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Record level of job creation at Enterprise Ireland

Irish export companies have seen the highest net increase in jobs in 26 years.

Last year, 19,705 jobs were created by companies that were supported by Enterprise Ireland.

That is an increase of 8,476 jobs when job losses are taken into account.

Enterprise Ireland is the Government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.

More than 180,000 people are employed in Enterprise Ireland supported companies, which is almost 10% of the workforce.

Figures from the IDA Ireland, released last week, show that multinationals created 15,012 jobs.

The net increase in employment was 7,131, one of the highest net levels of job creation in a decade.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton has said the positive figures did not happen by accident.

He said they are a result of extra resources for Enterprise Ireland and trade missions, and grants for companies.

Today's report showed that Enterprise Ireland assisted clients secured more than 1,300 new customers and contracts, while its companies established 455 new presences in international markets.  

It brought 907 international buyers into Ireland to encourage them to source from Irish companies, while the agency also opened new overseas offices in Abu Dhabi and in Perth in Australia. 

Julie Sinnamon, Enterprise Ireland's chief executive said the organisation was very proud of the record performance of its clients companies right across the country. 

Ms Sinnamon said the level of increased employment achieved is remarkable and endorses the strategy Enterprise Ireland has embarked on to 2016. 

"We continue to relentlessly focus on ensuring the right supports are available for clients at every stage of growth. This focus, coupled with our priority to support entrepreneurship across the regions, and develop strong, export focussed, ambitious Irish companies that can win new business, will mean even more jobs for Ireland over the next 12 months," she added.

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